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Scoliosis Surgery

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Scoliosis Diagnosis:

Before talking about the treatment of scoliosis in Turkey and the techniques used in this field, let us explain the nature of scoliosis.

The proper position of the spine when viewed from the back or the front is straight.

In patients with scoliosis, an abnormal lateral curve in the spine start to develop and increase in the rapid growth period, and this problem mostly happens in girls.

Out of one hundred children, three suffer scoliosis. and it appears differently in every patient, so the results of the treatment can vary from person to person depending on the subjective factor.

One of the most important steps before determining the treatment method is the early diagnosis of scoliosis, this plays a positive role reflected in the treatment results.
Treatment of scoliosis

Scoliosis Treatment:

Earlier in the course of the disease, simple non-surgical methods (exercises and medical corset) can be used to help preventing the disease from getting worse.

Simple surgical methods can also be used to treat scoliosis, like the limited surgical intervention, in which the vertebrae bodies are connected at one side using a belt made of special materials such as those used in Veins artificial replacements and others that do not impede the growth or movement.

The belt prevents the growth of the spine towards the curvature and allows it to grow in the other direction, this process leads to an immediate and clear improvement in the curvature of the spine and also prevents the curvature from increasing in the future, this led to dispose of the worse alternatives including greater surgical intervention such as stabilizing the spine with metal columns disturbing growth and impeding patient movement.

How important is teamwork during treatment?

Cooperation and joint effort are the second factor for scoliosis treatment success after early diagnosis. The joint effort includes coordination between the patient's family, the surgeon, the physical therapist, the psychotherapist, the training team and their ability to work under one roof in an atmosphere of fruitful cooperation.

Nowadays, the choice of the treatment method depends not only on the degree of curvature in the spine, but also the choice of the method related to the patient's personality and expectations, and the extent to which the life of the patient has been affected by scoliosis.

If the diagnosis and treatment were late; surgical scoliosis treatment through merging the vertebrae may cause pain and problems in the heart and lungs, but it is possible these days it is to prevent these Complications that negatively affect the patient's life.

Many patients who were told that they may not be able to recover, have operations, or their lives may be at risk of operations; can now have operations with a high success rate.

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