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Hair Transplant for Men in Turkey

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Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss in men, as the percentage of men who experience some male pattern hair loss reaches about 60%.

Hair loss can be a major concern to many, and hair transplantation surgery is the most common, at the same time the most effective procedure to handle this problem.

You may have run into a lot of products that are being marketed as a treatment for hair loss, such as, shampoos, some oils, or laser combs, however, all of these products haven’t been proven to be clinically effective in general, and thus hair transplantation is now the best treatment for those who complain of hair loss.

Hair transplant in Turkey

What causes male pattern balding?

The increase in androgenic hormones in men has a major effect on hair follicles that are genetically susceptible. As for women, the same applies to them, but female blood does not contain androgenic hormones with a high concentration.

Hair transplant requirements 

There is no doubt that getting a hair transplant changes how you look and how you feel. You can get a hair transplant if you are among these categories

  • Males who have male pattern baldness.
  • Anyone who suffered from hair loss secondary to scalp trauma.
  • Females who have partial hair loss or decrease in hair density .

  • before after
  • before after
  • before after

Whereas, hair transplant is not a suitable option for:

  • Women who suffer from general hair loss.
  • Those who do not have a sufficient donor area.
  • People who suffers from keloid, which is a major skin reaction to minor trauma.
  • Those who lost their hair secondary to chemotherapy or medications.

Best hair transplant techniques 2022

In the past, follicular unit transplant “FUT” technique was the workhorse of hair transplantation techniques, in this technique the surgeon uses a scalpel to cut a small strip of the back of the scalp. This surgical cut can be several inches long, the surgeon closes that skin defect with surgical sutures.

The surgeon separates that piece of scalp and cuts it down into tiny pieces under a microscope, using a sharp surgical scalpel, these follicular units are to be later implanted one by one in the recipient area.

Whereas, in the newer technique, called Follicular unit extraction “FUE”, the surgeon extracts the follicles directly from the back of your head, and makes tiny slit we call “channels” using a scalpel or a special needle in the recipient area, with the goal of implanting the extracted hair follicles into these little tiny holes, and during the operation the surgeon implants a few thousand follicles.

DHI Technique

In the DHI technique, the micromotor device – (<1 mm diameter) - Is used to harvest the hair follicles, after that a tool called Choi pens is used to plant the follicles extracted, and thus, no surgical slits or incisions are premade in the recipient area, and this minimizes scar formation later on.

Rather, This technique gives greater coverage and higher density, moreover, it gives the doctor a greater ability to control the direction of the hair, and this method of transplantation differs in that the doctor does not need to open the channels using small scalpel as in older techniques, but rather it enables the surgeon to implant the harvested follicles directly into the recipient area using Choi pens, This prevents scar formation and collateral damage to adjacent follicles and structures.

This technique is considered the most advanced, and of multiple advantages, the most important of which is the lack of the need to shave the head entirely, which makes it the preferred technique for many people, especially women.
In this technique we reach a maximum number of 3000 follicles.

In the event where the patient needs a larger number of follicles, Mega DHI technique can be used, as the transplant takes place on two consecutive days, so that the required number of follicles is transplanted, and the maximum number in this technique can reach 5,000 follicles currently.

Sapphire FUE

If you are interested in the latest hair transplant techniques, FUE is considered one of the most important techniques that science has reached in the field of plastic surgery, this technique provides a 100% natural result compared to the previous techniques.

This technique has evolved one step further using special pens made of sapphire stone.

In Sapphire FUE technique, a pen called Sapphire pen is used, and it is a fine pen-like tool used to open small cuts into the recipient area during the hair transplant Procedure into which the graft will later be implanted and we call these fine slits "channels".

This pen has a V-shaped thin, pointed and sharp head, the pointed border of this pen helps open channels with a high level of accuracy, taking into account the very small and controlled size of the cut, reducing the risk of injury to adjacent follicles and structures and minimizing the possibility of scarring.

Hair transplant surgery procedure 

Hair Transplant Procedure Timeline

The patient's hair is completely shaven, however, it is sometimes possible to do the procedure without shaving, then the scalp is washed with a sterile solution, and the scalp is injected with a local anesthetic.
At this stage, we use the micromotor device to extract the follicles from the donor area, without damaging the structure of the hair, Which increases the number of extracted healthy follicles that can be implanted successfully.
After extracting the follicles, they are kept in a special solution, which is the same solution used to preserve organs during transplant procedures, to keep grafts healthy.
In DHI technique using Choi pens, fine slits are opened and the grafts implanted in the same step, while in the SAPPHIRE FUE technique, a sharp-headed tool made from sapphire stone is used to open the fine slits, and this tool has the advantage of opening the fine slits so smoothly causing no damage or scars, then the grafts are implanted into those fine slits.
In this step, the extracted follicles are Implanted into the opened slits, and given that the last couple steps are the most important ones, they require high skills, as the surgeon takes into consideration, the density, esthetic results, and natural hair growth.

Preparation For Hair Transplantation

The patient's hair is completely shaven, however, it is sometimes possible to do the procedure without shaving, then the scalp is washed with a sterile solution, and the scalp is injected with a local anesthetic.

Follicles Extraction

At this stage, we use the micromotor device to extract the follicles from the donor area, without damaging the structure of the hair, which increases the amount of healthy extracted follicles, which can be successfully implanted.

Graft Preservation

After extracting the follicles, they are kept in a special solution, which is the same solution used to preserve organs during organs transplantation procedures, to keep grafts healthy.

Channels Opening

In DHI technique using Choi pens, fine slits (channels) are opened, and the grafts implanted in the same step, while in the SAPPHIRE FUE technique, a sharp-headed tool made from sapphire stone is used to open the fine slits, and this tool has the advantage of opening the fine slits so smoothly causing no damage to adjacent tissues, then the grafts are implanted into those fine slits (channels). 


In this step, the extracted follicles are inserted into the opened channels, and given that the last couple steps are the most important ones, they require high skills, as the surgeon takes into consideration, the density, esthetic results, and natural hair growth. 

How long does a hair transplant last?

Hair transplantation usually takes 4 hours or more, and it may take up to 8 hours, and some cases may require more than one session in order to achieve the required hair coverage.

Postoperative Details

A bandage may be used to cover the place of the operation.

Some medication may be needed

  • Pain killers (if the patient feels pain in their scalp)
  • Antibiotics to prevent infections in the recipient or donor area
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling in the scalp

Most people can get back to their normal life routine within a few days.

It is normal for some hair to fall out within two or three weeks of the operation, and that allows the new hair to grow, and this growth occurs during a period of 8 to 12 months after the operation.

Potential Complications

You need not to worry about some complications that can occur after hair transplant procedure, these complications may include.

  • Bleeding at the scalp.
  • Inflammation.
  • Mild swelling of the scalp.
  • Periorbital swelling or bruising.
  • Scabbing at the scalp.
  • Some itching.
  • Inflammation of the hair follicles.
  • Temporary fall in implanted hair.

What to expect after fut hair transplant?

Usually, people who have had a hair transplant done notice a visible growth of hair in the transplanted areas within a short period after the operation, the hair reaches its full density within a period of 10 to 12 months.

Obtained hair density may vary from patient to patient depending upon several factors, including:

  • The density of follicles implanted in the recipient area.
  • Hair diameter and quality.
  • How curly or straight the hair is.

The patient may benefit of some treatments or have a laser therapy session after the transplant to prevent hair loss in areas far from the transplanted area


It is important for patients to discuss their concerns and expectations about the procedure, and to inquire about all questions that come to their mind, and by contacting us you will find a complete answer about everything related to this procedure and its techniques.

Do you have an inquiry? Contact us - For FREE Consultation.

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