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What is the donor area? Damage and recovery after Hair Transplant

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Many questions are frequently asked about the donor area for hair transplantation and afterward, as the patient fears that the donor area will be damaged or bald patches will develop in the head.

What is the donor area?

The donor area is the area from which the hair follicles are extracted and collected, and implanted later in the hair transplant process.

It is often the back of the head.

It is a healthy area at the back of the head between the ears and the sides, it is usually dense in hair and has a large proportion of healthy, strong hair follicles against baldness and loss, and it is called the donor area because it donates the follicles required to be transplanted into the affected areas.

donor area after hair transplant

Weak donor area

If the donor area does not have enough strong and healthy follicles to be extracted, this may complicate the hair transplantation process. Possible complications are the inability to extract the required number of follicles, or the follicles are too weak and do not bear the shock of the transplant, and they die once transplanted.

Thanks to the development of hair transplantation techniques, it has become possible to extract follicles from other areas of the body.

The most common donor areas for most individuals are the back of the head.

But in cases where there is no suitable donor area on the scalp, body hair can be used, keeping in mind the presence of high-quality hair for extraction.

Common areas for donating body hair are chest, back, and beard hair.

Read More : Hair Transplantation in Turkey

Pain in the donor area after hair transplant

It is relatively normal to feel some pain in the donor area after hair transplantation and follicles extraction, this feeling of pain and discomfort fades during the first few days after the operation.

Damage to the donor area

Some hair transplant techniques cause damage to the donor area, which has become possible to bypass via advanced and new techniques day after day, but some techniques can cause the following:

  • Overharvesting
  • Constant numbness and pain
  • bleeding
  • Folliculitis
  • The wound bursts
  • Hair loss

Donor area scars

Hair transplant is an optional procedure, and applicants do not want it with excessive scars, as the procedure aims primarily to improve appearance.

However, hair transplant is still a surgical procedure and there is no way to perform the surgery without causing some scarring, and these scars usually disappear after the first week.

donor area - hair transplant donor area

Depleted donor area

Voids or bald patches in the donor area are not normal, and they can be for one of two reasons:

  1. Hair loss due to trauma.
  2. Excessive extraction.

It is generally recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible to evaluate the condition and recommend an appropriate treatment plan,

Minoxidil is also recommended, which helps in hair growth.

Read more : Details of Hair Transplant costs in Istanbul Turkey 2025

Donor area recovery after hair transplant

It takes about two weeks for the donor area to heal.

After surgery, a bandage is placed on the donor area. When removed, you will notice small spots on the skin.

The healing process will not take long, as the hair grows all post-operative signs will disappear and you will restore the natural aesthetic appearance.

Read more : Hair Transplant for Men in Turkey

Donor area after hair transplantation

Some signs appear on the donor area immediately after hair transplantation, which requires special treatment and attention to obtain satisfactory results, the following are some of the signs that will appear after the operation:

  • Itching in the donor area is normal after follicles extraction and as a slight reaction of the skin, just like any wound or microscopic scar.
  • Redness and slight swelling due to the injection of the anesthesia will disappear after a few days.
  • Feeling some pain after using simple painkillers prescribed by a hair transplant doctor.
  • The presence of scabs and blood clots on the surface of the skin, and they are not internal. Of course, they washed off on the day of washing in the hospital.
  • All possible effects disappear after hair transplantation at most two weeks.

The donor area after a month

After a month, many signs and effects of fatigue, sensitivity, or any problems will disappear, and hair will begin to grow and cover the area.

The donor area after two months

After two months, the hair will have covered a large part of the donor area, and the effects of the operation have largely disappeared.

Donor area after a year

After a year, the donor area mostly returns to its normal, basic look and shape.

FAQs about Donor Area

About 3 weeks, it is possible to shave the head directly after the operation, but it is better to wait for about 3 weeks.
Many people are interested in knowing whether hair will grow naturally in the donor area after hair transplantation,well, Hair regrowth in the donor area is done only by hair follicles that have not been transferred to the bald areas. It is worth noting that the hair follicles are transferred geometrically and medically that works to cover the bald areas as much as possible and at the same time does not leave noticeable spaces in the donor area, as the remaining hair in the donor area will cover the places where the follicles are extracted.
It takes about two weeks for the donor area to recover.
Fluid accumulation is another common side effect that can cause swelling of the scalp and face after hair transplantation. It is also the natural scalp reaction very similar to how any other part of the body swells up after any operation.
The first night after the procedure, a bandage will be placed over the donor area, however the recipient hair transplant area will be left uncovered. You can remove the bandage over the donor area on the next day. No extra care or treatment will be necessary.
Since hair follicles and surrounding cells are completely removed from the scalp surface, hair regrowth at the donor site is not possible at all. Hair regrowth will only occur in areas of the donor site where the hair follicles have not been completely extracted.
The donor area has about 6000 follicular units that can be safely harvested from the average individual.

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