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Dental Treatment

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4 common alternatives to dental implants
Dental implants may not always be the best option for you! Find out 4 common alternatives to dental implants. Click Here to learn more!
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Dental implants experience in Turkey with ILAJAK Medical
Discover dental implants experiences and testimonials of ILAJAK Medical patients in Turkey, the final results, and how much they are satisfied with our service quality level.
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Sensitive Teeth: All you need to know
An ultimate guide for sensitive teeth, how to recognize it? What are root causes? And how to fix it? See more…
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What is tartar and how it affects teeth and gum?
Through this post we’ll deal with tartar and try to explain its root causes and how it can affect negatively your teeth. Keep reading
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Improve Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry
Prior to go through any cosmetic procedure, it's important to know the advantages and risks and what you can expect during the process.
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Cosmetic dentistry in Turkey: Types, benefits, and costs
With this complete guide you will learn about different types of cosmetic dentistry provided by ILAJAK Medical in Turkey, their benefits, and costs.
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German dental implants in Turkey: best clinics and cost
There are different types of dental implants, the most famous of which is German dental implants. In this article, we highlight its advantages, disadvantages, and cost.
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Which is better delayed or immediate dental implants?
What is the difference between delayed and immediate dental implants? Why choose one method rather than the other? Keep reading with ILAJAK Medical
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Yellow teeth: what is it and how to get rid of it?
What disease makes your teeth yellow? Is there any solution and how can ILAJAK Medical help you fix it?
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Cavities on front teeth facts
A cavity on front tooth is both a dental and cosmetic issue. Discover why you get it and what are your options