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Watermelon Seed Benefits: Great Nutritional Value

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Watermelon is a summer fruit that most people love, especially in hot summer as it can be very refreshing due to its high water content. Most people when eating this fruit spit out its seeds, because they do not know its numerous benefits and nutritional values. So what are the benefits of watermelon seeds, and what is its nutritional value? Is it really healthy?

watermelon seed benefits

Benefits of Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon is a summer fruit that consists of 95% water, in addition to its richness in vitamins such as vitamin A that have health benefits for eyes, hair and skin, also vitamin C and trace minerals, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium as well as amino acids, and lycopene which gives the fruit in red color. Moreover the high fiber content of watermelon makes it one of the foods that have great benefit to the digestive system.

The benefits of watermelon seeds lie in the fact that they are rich in iron, besides they contain low levels of sodium, which serves as a kidney cleanse. Also, this fruit contains amino acids, citrulline and arginine, making it beneficial to reduce muscle pain, and gives it a positive effect after or before workout or any physical effort, which is why it is advised to eat it before performing intense exercises.

Moreover, what makes watermelon seeds of a great dietary value is the fact that they contain a high level of antioxidants, which are useful in reducing the risk of developing cancer. Lycopene also has reduces the risk of prostate cancer, because it hinders the proliferation of malignant cells in the prostate

watermelon seed

Some Tips When Eating Watermelon

In order to get the most benefits out of watermelon, nutrition experts recommend that watermelon seeds be eaten, and not removed or spitted out, as many of the substances with the health benefits mentioned above are contained within watermelon seeds, like proteins and other nutrients, and the benefits of watermelon seeds are manifested in cleansing the kidneys and decreasing the risk for stone formation.

Experts also recommend eating watermelon seeds individually as well, such as using them in salads or eating them as snacks due to their numerous nutritional benefits.

Below are some advices that nutrition specialists give regarding eating watermelon in order to get its health benefits:

  • Watermelon should be eaten during its season, which begins in May and ends in September.
  • Eating watermelon should be dependent on the person's gender, age and health condition
  • Eating a slice or two per day is a good thing. Those with chronic diseases like people with diabetes or those who follow special diets should know that every 150 grams of watermelon contains approximately 50 calories, as they should count those in their total calories intake according to their diet, and these patients should refer to nutrition experts, to make sure if their consumption of this fruit is appropriate for them or not.
  • You should look at the watermelon fruit pulp and choose mature red watermelon, and avoid eating fruits that have gone bad, as evidenced by a change in color or a bad odor.
  • After cutting the watermelon, the remaining part should be wrapped with nylon wraps, and placed in the refrigerator.

healthy food

Source: CNN Turk

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